Groundhog Day is a very unique holiday! But what is a Groundhog anyway, and do they live in El Paso?
Groundhogs are large, cat-sized rodents. They are also known as marmots, Woodchucks and whistle pigs. They are a type of ground squirrel. And sadly, they don't live in El Paso! But some of their relatives, hoary marmots and yellow-bellied marmots, live in the mountains in the Northwest United States.
Now.... Groundhog Day! The most famous groundhog of all is Punxsutawney Phil. He's a groundhog from Punxsatawney, Pennsylvania where people have been celebrating Groundhog Day since 1886! According to the Groundhog Day website, Phil is always 100% correct about his predictions. If he sees his shadow, then there will be 6 more weeks of winter. If he doesn't see his shadow on Groundhog Day, then there's an early spring.
Learn more about the Holiday and about Groundhogs!
Groundhog Day official Page
Facts about Groundhogs from National Geographic
Groundhog stories from the El Paso Public Library
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